Quote Originally Posted by EmiyaNanaya View Post
If you're new to this game, I recommend MLB the Eidolon for short-to-mid term planning and she is a good fire Eidolon for those who don't have one...
It's been said in other topics, but Yatagarasu is actually one of the best eidolons as she comes with an ATK down debuff on her ability. If you don't main fire, definitely focus on her completely. If you DO plan on being a fire-main, then it's more complicated... Assault SSRs are definitely good, but again, Yatagarasu herself is good as well. What i'd do in your shoes is try to get as many copies of Yata as you can, but if you manage to get enough to buy her 5th and final copy before the event ends... don't. There's always a chance that you could get a copy of her to actually drop, thus saving you tons of time. The shop does NOT close after the event ends, and indeed that's how you get many many elixers. You can change 2/d for weeks, depending in how many materials you have saved up - I'm still turning in ones from the last 2 advents. Also that way, if you don't get a lucky drop, you can still get the final copy of Yatagarasu then.

TL;DR: For any element, not fire, Yatagarasu has a spot on your endgame team if you can MBL her. SSR weapon is only worth MBL if you are fire.