So, through the whole event (Note I do 30-45 Garuda Ultimate per day)
I've dropped 0 hecking Platinum Chest and I thought it was safe to assume, I won't drop any at all anymore so I decided I'll max brake the Eidolon and the SSR Axe and well
I only did the 27 Runs for Ultimate today and voalla, I suddenly drop 5 Platinum chests in a day, 2 of which were Garuda and 2 SR Weapons I already max LB'd just 3 hours before
Morale of the story; luck is a bitch, I could've bought so many Soul P's with those last 2 Garuda Items (and I kinda need them for D'art)

Don't commit my mistake, the shop ain't going nowhere, buy the last 2 after the event is over...