well, my plan for this ragnarok is to get to 100% burst as fast as possible and stun her so tyr can finish her off in that turn.
so having ramiel that can give me 10% burst gauge+ attack and defense buff seem to be good for my party in general, but as said the dizzy effect may come against me if i use that skill and she get dizzy.
in both of you comments it seem like arc is the soul i should pick, but still not sure what extra skill will come in more in handy, sniper shot to decrease more the damage and defense or black propaganda?
with sniper shot i can deal more damage and recieve less damage along arc debuff and 3 kami that cut the damage.
and with black propaganda i can delay the super move time and maybe get less hits with it (although it may fill up my burst gauge faster)

how much attack debuff and defense buffs the user had in that battle?
i haven't saw her getting any buff, but her debuff is freezing the CD of skills, let say i used gaia skill and have to wait 6 turns till i can use it again, then that debuff will keep it at 6 turns waiting for some turn (forgot for how long)
so i may not be able to use that skill again till the end of the battle :O
and well, i don't have a full thunder grid so i can use the SSR wind axe so she can have a little more hp, but without main eidolon and suppot eidolon to boost HP she won't have that much indeed.