I think her name is suppose to be Eir, at least Eir is a goddess based on Norse mythology. Air seems a little weird, but maybe I'm wrong.


Quote Originally Posted by Idunno View Post
This isn't really what the thread is about, but is the awakened himes new SSRs or just a buff to the current hime?
For example, if I have Gaia when the awakened is released, do I get the awakened or do I have to get the awakened from the gacha?
You need to max break limit the SSR and use need 3 draconic eyes, completed eyes, not shards. You can supposedly get more from exchange shop using cores from Advent Ragnarok in the future, instead of having to get 1 shard a week from weekly. Not 100% sure.

Though it resets their level and you have to level and break limit her over again in her awakened form with even more costly break limit requirements.