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  1. #11
    Feeling really burned out from the never ending event and the minimal breaks in between....

    Question... Considering that I recently started (i.e. don't have Garuda/Typhon) and is likely to main Fire and Water first... Reading the wiki, looks like Typhon passive is +20% dmg/20% burst, and I have Ifrit which gives better passive bonus... Its likely that I'll get a copy of Typhon, MLB both SSR weapons and probably MLB garuda... That's probably the best I can do without spending too much of my limited half elixirs...

    From a fire main perspective, am I missing a lot on the additional HP/atk in eidolon grid granted by Typhon if I skip on MLB-ing Typhon?

    I don't think I should have issues doing ultimate for both... I could beat Yatagarasu event in ultimate, and I have about the same attack power between my fire and water team
    Last edited by Shieun; 08-02-2017 at 01:32 AM.

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