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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    I added a quick reference for buffs/debuffs by Aken in the Useful Links and Resources section. Thanks to Wpmz for suggesting this.
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  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest

    Assist ability

    i want to ask, does Soul and Kamihime assist ability applies to the whole team or only to themselves?

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Assist abilities generally only apply to that character.
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  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    i want to ask, does Soul and Kamihime assist ability applies to the whole team or only to themselves?
    I think so far, the only passive ability we have so far is Bastet's team-wide Dark HP 5% up. It also works from the backrow, by the way.

    Every element will eventually get on those. I can't think of any other passives that work on the whole team.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Endurance build

    The Endurance build focuses on mitigating damage to the point that healing can keep up, ideally allowing the team to fight indefinitely. Stacking ATK down to -50% (or more) is fundamental to this build. Endurance builds also typically have a means to mitigate overdrives, either by delaying them or with damage cut abilities. Endurance builds are best suited to multi-stage fights, or bosses with very high HP (such as high-level Demons in Union events). The prime disadvantage of Endurance builds is that they’re time-consuming to use when auto-battle is not feasible. Also, some encounters are tuned so that they become more punishing the longer the encounter drags on.

    Endurance builds rely primarily on ATK down stacking to mitigate damage. By stacking -20% class A (e.g., Joan’s ability), -20% class B (e.g., D’art’s Sniper Shot), -20% class C (Sol), and -10% from an eidolon (Jormugand, Yatagarasu), a total of -70% ATK is readily obtainable. Caspiel (Wind R) also has a stacking ATK debuff that can further reduce ATK by 15-20% in solo encounters, potentially nullifying even the most powerful attacks. To further mitigate normal attack damage, Endurance builds will often include Blind or Combo attack down.

    To mitigate Overdrive damage, overdrive extension can be combined with overdrive reduction (e.g., Cthulhu, Raphael) to delay overdrives. Alternatively, overdrives can be mitigated with damage cut abilities (e.g., Joan, Gaia). Gaia is particularly useful for Endurance builds since she can 100% mitigate single-target attacks on the team once every 6 turns, and mitigate any attack by -40% once every 6 turns, allowing her to single-handedly mitigate single-target overdrives that occur once every 3 turns or less. Gaia is also particularly useful against bosses who switch between single-target and AoE overdrives at the Rage transition (assuming the boss only has one opportunity to overdrive in each phase).
    Endurance builds will often feature 2 healers to keep the party topped off and provide additional utility. Awakened Sol is particularly useful since she can buff all heals on the party by 50% for 3T (7T CD), cleanse status effects, and dispel enemy buffs, all while providing her characteristic -20% class C ATK debuff.

    Endurance builds were dealt a crippling blow by the ATK debuff nerf in the DMM version in February 2017, which capped ATK down at -50%. For builds previously running with -70% ATK, this increased damage taken by 67%, instantly disabling Endurance builds that relied on ATK down stacking for viability. Post-nerf, Endurance builds will be be hard-pressed to clear top-difficulty content without an alternative means to mitigate overdrives.
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  6. #6

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    Nov 2015
    Elemental advantage build

    This build relies on elemental advantage for every encounter, and thus requires viable teams for all 6 elements. Elemental advantage provides a +45/48% buff to elemental damage (translating to ~30% damage increase) and 25% damage resistance, which provides the foundation for this build. Teams with elemental advantage also seem to have a higher debuff success rate; ATK/DEF down is nearly guaranteed to land with affliction resistance down applied. Elemental advantage builds have the potential to outclass builds with comparable equipment focused on a single element, and runs can be smoother and more predictable since debuffs can be relied upon to stick. In addition, some abilities carried by characters and eidolons further increase potency against a team’s strong element. However, strong Elemental advantage builds require heavy investment in time, effort, and money, and also require some luck to land the right characters for each element.

    The main bottleneck for Elemental advantage builds is debuffs. Since an elemental advantage build is only as strong as its weakest link (or element), the player needs access to a sufficient variety of characters for each element to cover necessary debuffs: class A ATK, class A DEF, class B ATK/DEF, and overdrive extension. A source of healing is usually desirable also. A Soul can only cover 2 of 5 of these, so characters need to provide the other 3. Without at least 1 of these 3 covered, the team probably won’t be viable in top difficulty content. To ensure a supply of strong characters, Elemental advantage builds tend to rely on a steady stream of SSR kamihime tickets, which makes these builds expensive relative to comparable single-element builds, which can progress to top-tier with only a strong initial roll and 2-3 Miracle tickets.

    Elemental advantage builds also require a great deal of commitment to continuously raise. Players will need to participate in all events and earn all event SSR weapons at a bare minimum. Most players will also spend a great deal of time farming non-event content for materials (limit-break, enhancement, spawn) and accessories for all 6 elements, as well as gems to raise weapons and accessories. While it’s not 6x the effort of single-element builds, since diminishing returns usually apply, it’s easily 3x the effort that others would need to spend to achieve comparable strength.

    Since Elemental advantage builds are very reliant on having strong teams for all 6 elements, they benefit especially from Miracle ticket picks that can contribute to multiple teams. Sol is a high priority for Elemental advantage builds, as she provides essential utility skills, can fit into every team, and has no weak element. Gaia is situationally useful in multiple elements, and Amaterasu can compensate for debuff deficiencies in some teams (and is virtually indispensable for Fire).

    Elemental advantage builds are particularly strong in Guild Orders, where arbitrary handicaps are often assigned in mission goals, which may be difficult to overcome without the aid of elemental advantage.
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    Rerolling in Kamihime Project: How to get FREE SSR Kamihime
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  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Accessory buff comparison

    Comparison table on JP wiki

    +Affliction rate (+2%) is the best effect for Single-element builds. You want this on any ATK or DEF debuffer whose abilities ever miss. Debuffs missing is the #1 reason for wipes in content you can usually clear, so less missing = fewer wipes. Since DEF down is directly linked to damage output, 2% less chance of missing > +2% damage, which makes +Affliction rate superior to even +ATK for damage when equipped on your debuffers, and since debuffs typically have a team-wide effect you can multiply that by 5!

    +ATK (+3% max) has a 0.45% return in damage for each additional 1% at 120% character ATK, or +1.35% damage for a max-level accessory. As a rule of thumb, take the nominal effect and divide by 2 for the true effect on damage. Good on any character, but the effect is small.

    +Double attack (+2%) directly modifies normal attack damage and can modify Burst damage as well if it contributes to more frequent Bursts. As such, it's best used on frontliners. Using a build with Shiva where the damage breakdown for normal/skill/Burst damage was 51/20/29%, +Double attack adds 1-1.6% damage, depending on whether it's contributing to more frequent Bursts or not. That range will also fluctuate somewhat depending on skill damage contribution to overall damage. On a bottleneck character double ATK would be better, while on others +ATK might be better. As a rule of thumb, take the nominal effect and divide by 2 for the true effect on normal attack damage.

    +DEF (+3%) decreases damage by a little less than 3%. Use this to enhance survivability of vulnerable frontliners or essential characters, especially with low HP and no DEF bonuses. Use this over +HP% when possible since it benefits more from healing. Otherwise, the same caveats as +HP% apply.

    +HP% (+3%) is straightforward. But you should already have +HP from Defender weapons, so the effect will be somewhat reduced. Only recommended for kamihime with low HP or frontliners. Otherwise use Defender weapons and eidolons to manipulate HP for your entire team at once.

    +Drop rate (+1%) is valuable for farming. Assuming you like farming efficiently, having these in your progression gear isn't a waste. Make sure you keep all Rs with this, as they're free to unequip.
    +Mode gauge reduction (+4%) is useful to end Rage quickly. Mainly for solo progression content, and useless on everything else. If you’re having trouble clearing Accessory Quests, stack this and aim to push the final boss into stun before the 2nd Overdrive.

    +Ability damage (+5%) is worse than +ATK for SSR skills with less than 3 hits (which is the vast majority). Why? For starters, the base modifier should be < 3.7 to compete with +ATK. If we're going to buff abilities and nothing else, we want to see at least a 2x difference, so reduce that to < 2. The ability should also do significantly more total unbuffed damage than a normal attack to be worth buffing, i.e., 4x (which disqualifies SR characters’ weak damage skills). Divide 4 by a number less than 2, and a minimum of 3 hits is required for a significant effect.

    +Burst damage (+5%) is useless because, like +ability damage, it adds to a modifier that is already greater than 1. For SR+ kamihime, that's 3.5+, essentially nerfing the effect to the same as +ATK or less. Burst builds can expect even less return since they'll be using temporary buffs to raise that base modifier even higher. This stat exists to trick players who don't understand the damage formulas. As a general rule, take the nominal effect and divide by 5 to get the true effect.
    Last edited by sanahtlig; 01-15-2018 at 03:28 PM.
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  8. #8

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Added a Burst build with Shingen's Provisional Forest to the Light section of the Elemental Team-building Guide, along with Miracle ticket picks to achieve it. I also revised the section to reflect the improved outlook, with Light Tsukuyomi soon to be available with Miracle tickets and SSR Artemis on the distant horizon.
    Last edited by sanahtlig; 02-04-2018 at 01:12 PM.
    Magicami Starter Guide: Rerolling for Success
    Rerolling in Kamihime Project: How to get FREE SSR Kamihime
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