Added a new Berserk build to the Advanced Build Strategies section, which makes use of Morgan's Relic Staff. Note that Miracle ticket recommendations have not yet been updated to reflect this new build option.

Berserk build
The Berserk build relies on Morgan’s Relic weapon Staff to double normal attack damage for 2T (10T CD). This works best with teams that can heavily buff attack rate during those 2T, further amplifying damage inflicted. This can be further combined with Shingen’s EX skill Provisional Forest (see the Burst build) to deliver monumental spike damage over 3T. Like Burst builds, Berserk builds excel at quickly ending the Rage phase in difficult encounters. Unlike Burst builds, they can also deliver excellent spike damage at the start of encounters, which is particularly useful against high-damage trash mobs. Also unlike Burst builds

The sacrifice is losing access to abilities for 1T and Burst for 2T. This can result in timing issues. If an Overdrive needs to be mitigated, the Berserk may have to be delayed for 1T. Without Provisional Forest, starting a Rage phase with a Burst and then initiating Berserk will usually deliver optimal spike damage, and allow the accompanying spree of combo attacks to recharge the Burst gauge. With Provisional Forest, the Burst may need to be delayed until after the Berserk period, since Morgan’s guaranteed triple attack will be needed to recharge, and you’ll want this to be buffed by Berserk. This could be risky if the boss is readying an Overdrive that could kill a team member before Burst is available again, blunting the Burst chain and severely compromising damage. A strong Burst gauge buffer like Titania can solve this issue.

Elements like Wind that can combo attack frequently are particularly well-suited to Berserk builds.