One thing I'd like to mention is that there's two elements that'll really struggle with Elemental attack Eidolons for a long time: Fire and Thunder.

In about one month, we'll get the +45% Darkness Elemental attack Eidolon. That means that Apo will be gone from everyone on your friendlist, most likely. The Fire Elemental attack Eidolon? That's like EIGHT MONTHS away. Fire users will basically be limited to their own Apo for seven whole months.

In about two months, we'll get the +45% Light Eidolon. That'll remove Phoenix from like everyone. Thunder Elemental Eidolon is about seven months away. So there's going to be five months of utter suffering for Thunder users.

Meanwhile, Water is coming up right after Light, so fairly soon. Wind can keep using their Garuda until they get their 45% in about four months from now.

And on a side note, all of these are Raid Eidolons. I guess that's the real reason why the Eidolon store was made - new players simply needed some source of Elemental attack. It's... not a very realistic way of getting it, but it's there. Meanwhile, our new players are in a terrible spot right now, as Phoe/Apo/Garuda are gone.