It may be far away, but I dread the day Fire Beelz will be released. The only time you encounter other players is during raids, and Fire Beelz users WILL steal your MvP in all non-Water raids. Every time. Without fail. Unless you open the raid at a point where it is no longer physically possible, so you will need to solo like 40% damage on every. Single. Raid. Forever. After Fire Beelz is released.

The amount of team-damage Fire Beelz grants you is just absolutely insane. Not sure if you can ever again get MvP on Ragnarok raids without her... that remains to be seen, as it depends on whether or not Fire Beelz users can stay alive in those.

At least Fire Beelz is next to useless in Advent content, so you probably shouldn't ever use a Miracle Ticket on her. Fire Mains who use Miracle Tickets might want to save up their Jewels for her, though.