Quote Originally Posted by Saeleyna View Post
So I know my fire comp is bad and I shouldn't worry too much about that, however for the rewards should I grab 100 soul points or get 2 fire SR weapons to 3* (both are 2* atm, still level 1)? I'm leaning towards the soul points, however I only have 1 SR weapon at 3* break limit and no SSR weapons (4 SR at 2*, 3SSR at 1*).

Also for garuda rewards, assuming I can get enough mats for them, would 3* break limit garuda (+5% wind) or more soul points be better?

Or should I screw all that completely and go for a grimoire? Have 8 evolved 6 of apotheosis.

I know a lot of questions sorry just not really sure how to figure out min/maxing for this game yet.
About your main question, if you're under 30k you'll need all your Eldolon to level 100, don't LB them to 3/4 only or in the end it will be useless and you'll replace it, even further if is an Eido with a bad skill like Garuda, so if you can break her go for SP for D'artagnan and then Mordred