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  1. #1

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    Event starts tonight at 7, right?

  2. #2

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    South-East Asia
    Quote Originally Posted by Firebloom View Post
    Event starts tonight at 7, right?
    It's 2 days from now...

  3. #3

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    Jul 2017
    Let's see now...

    1. The Eidolon has Phoenix level of attack, in other words, pathetic. At least the 40% char atk + 20% HP is decent, I guess, since there hasn't been a +HP Dark Eidolon yet? Still, nothing really to write home about.
    EDIT: Near Phoenix level atk, I had forgotten just how abysmal Phoenix attack is.
    2. The weapon is +HP and only usable by Arthur(/Gawain). At least it has decent attack value. The Burst "-atk" debuff is good (if only because it is usable by Arthur), but... I'm under the impression that originally, these effects were A Frame, but patched much later to be Eidolon frame? If so, it'll be months before the skill is properly useful.
    3. You cannot afk this fight, at least not the red version.
    4. Like in previous Raid events, even if you get the full PP reward, you're not guaranteed to MLB either one. You're likely to, but not guaranteed.
    5. In just two weeks after this, the first competitive Union battle will begin, which uses the same resource as this event - Seeds.

    ... is it just me, or this event just "meh, skip" level? I mean, sure, grab what you can with natural AP and BP regen, but anything more than that just screams "waste of time and resources" to me otherwise.
    Last edited by Slashley; 08-13-2017 at 03:46 AM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    ... is it just me, or this event just "meh, skip" level? I mean, sure, grab what you can with natural AP and BP regen, but anything more than that just screams "waste of time and resources" to me otherwise.
    Well.. i was under the same assumption and I didnt know the eidolon stats were bad so..

  5. #5

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    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    Let's see now...

    1. The Eidolon has Phoenix level of attack, in other words, pathetic. At least the 40% char atk + 20% HP is decent, I guess, since there hasn't been a +HP Dark Eidolon yet? Still, nothing really to write home about.
    EDIT: Near Phoenix level atk, I had forgotten just how abysmal Phoenix attack is.
    2. The weapon is +HP and only usable by Arthur(/Gawain). At least it has decent attack value. The Burst "-atk" debuff is good (if only because it is usable by Arthur), but... I'm under the impression that originally, these effects were A Frame, but patched much later to be Eidolon frame? If so, it'll be months before the skill is properly useful.
    3. You cannot afk this fight, at least not the red version.
    4. Like in previous Raid events, even if you get the full PP reward, you're not guaranteed to MLB either one. You're likely to, but not guaranteed.
    5. In just two weeks after this, the first competitive Union battle will begin, which uses the same resource as this event - Seeds.

    ... is it just me, or this event just "meh, skip" level? I mean, sure, grab what you can with natural AP and BP regen, but anything more than that just screams "waste of time and resources" to me otherwise.
    1. Not only is this the first Dark eidolon with character ATK and HP boost--it'll be the only one. If you plan to run a Dark team, this eidolon gives you a way to boost your HP without sacrificing much damage. For teams that run without heals, this could be critical.
    2. The weapon has an attack down debuff that has always been eidolon-type (proof: check the edit history of the wiki page for the weapon). However, every team should be running Jorm or Yatagarasu anyway, and their debuff is more versatile. Compared to those, this debuff is just a novelty.
    3. The next Union event won't be competitive, unless Nutaku deviates from the DMM timeline. As above, you shouldn't rely on the latest version of the Wiki page for info, as the DMM version is 10 months ahead of us in content updates.

    Overall, MLB'ing the weapon and eidolon seems more trouble than it's worth if you're not running a Dark team. But then, you could say the same about just about all Raid events...
    Last edited by sanahtlig; 08-13-2017 at 08:51 AM.
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Message: my baka!!! it's...for you....! 
not that i wanted to do it for you or i happened to buy 2 so......blah!!!!
    well, maybe i see it a little...differently 'cause i'm using dark team, but i don't think it's all that bad.
    i mean, for now medusa is my main eidolon and she boost 30%, so even if dullahan's attack is lower, she can boost the attack by 40% and also HP.
    this axe can be held by arthur, and really, who will use a soul with dark weapon outside dark team? by the time i'll be able to use my yata/jorm i'll have to wait at least 8 turn while arthur can use her burst turn on the very first turn and give the attack debuff.
    and that aside, the skill level of my weapon aren't as high so the gems and grails i can get there may help me with that.
    also a small amount of jewels in gacha...
    but, like i said i may think that way 'cause i'm actually using dark team XD
    my main eidolon [last update July 13th]

  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNoobCN View Post
    arthur can use her burst turn on the very first turn and give the attack debuff.
    I hadn't considered that. In that very particular scenario, the weapon is actually pretty useful. But would a Dark team typically be using Arthur rather than a healer? Does that increase the team's survivability in Raids and Ragnarok Advents?
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by sanahtlig View Post
    I hadn't considered that. In that very particular scenario, the weapon is actually pretty useful. But would a Dark team typically be using Arthur rather than a healer? Does that increase the team's survivability in Raids and Ragnarok Advents?

    seen videos of a dark team consisting of arthur, SSR amon, satan, hades and beelzebub clearing the next two advent ragnaroks. think healers are only really necessary for soloing ragnarok raid bosses or ultimate union bosses

  9. #9

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Gift received at 10-19-2017 from Kitty
Message: my baka!!! it's...for you....! 
not that i wanted to do it for you or i happened to buy 2 so......blah!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by sanahtlig View Post
    I hadn't considered that. In that very particular scenario, the weapon is actually pretty useful. But would a Dark team typically be using Arthur rather than a healer? Does that increase the team's survivability in Raids and Ragnarok Advents?
    maybe the super potion you can get by sending a sticker can be enough for a raid event, or you can ask for help if it failed.
    but in raganrok when you fight alone and there is no potions to use a healer will be better.
    though osiris will be able to take the healer spot whenever she'll be available in gacha, if we find her that it.
    my main eidolon [last update July 13th]

  10. #10

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    Nvm, got the wrong girl. Lol.

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