Quote Originally Posted by sanahtlig View Post
If the main use of Mordred is Black Propaganda, there's 3 other kamihime with the same skill, including Dragon King. And every soul can equip it as an EX ability.
So we have 3 kh with same skill, but point in complex.
1. Can they decrease enemy's resistance to afflictions?
2. Can they increase my team's affliction tolerance?
3. Can they cast 7 (8) debuffs using 1 skill...
4. ...well, don't forget passive with 15% damage.

I know, im writing obvious things, but if we try to compare her with andro... mordered is complex solution. Imo she is the best hero soul as complex solution.
Andro have heal and armor which works to entire raid, she got nice skill resurrection... But most time, they re useless, on raids u need more damage, not heal, i play this game 6 weeks, but i didn't saw situation where resurrection ability could be better than higher damage./

I know this event is easy and its not correct to evaluate the complexity of the game at this event, but im farming ultimates with this team
Game: Build a Pseudo-ideal team with Miracle Tickets-current-team.jpg
so with not bad weapons we dont even need heal even if ur team wrong element, but if event were more difficult, i would just remove odin, add sol and use mordered... and i would take sol mostly cuz of her c frame debuff. Even this event could be hard if my debuffs are not working.