First of all I wanna thank your for your guide.
When I first found it I thought the one who made it must either really love this game, be a person who puts lots of dedication to the thing he does or both, that's a quality I'd like to see more people have.

After finding this game last week and playing it for 3 days straight with minimal amounts of sleep I found myself loving the game but really advancing slowly and having difficulties clearing even the lowest difficulties of the events.
Then I looked for information since I knew this game was gonna be time consuming and I wanted to be as good as possible and the first quality guide I found was yours. After almost 18 hours of rerolling and losing some good accounts to pure stupidity ^^', I got an account with Belial and Svarog and Hephaestus, and because of your guide I knew that was probably Jackpot (and it is!).

Now I know that that account will eventually be Top Tier and whenever I play a game and it even got me a Max Level Icarus on it's first week of living hahahahaha
Because of the guide I also know I'll just have to wait for the next Miracle ticket to get Amateratsu and I'm all set!
I knew I was ready to spend some money on it but after reading your probability table to get a desired result I might just have saved A LOT of money and tears hahaha, (although I admit I only looked at it after buying the one time only Premium Gatcha for half the price, I can't believe you pay really 30€ to get 9R weapons and a SR Eidolon...)

I also got an account with Amateratsu and Osiris, but quite frankly it's by far not as fun as the first one. Belial really makes a HUGE(!) difference. If I could give you just one thing to add to the guide is:

If you get a 100% Eidolon, everyone is gonna want to be your friend which is tbh maybe a more significant boost than anything else. Bacause of that after a week I have almost only Belials and Fafnirs as friends and got pretty easily into a strong Union which is awesome bc of the maxed out Spirit and lot's of strong friends that can kill a Ragnarok on their own.
The second account only has the first account and some kind souls that might delete me rather sooner than later since I can't really do much to help them. It is nice to have though to create raids assist raids and get more people to help)

Anyway thank you for saving me lot's of time and money and creating a guide which I have quite frankly bookmarked for everytime I have a question. Keep up the good work!