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    [Event 20] Rahab & Medusa Rematch

    I know it's early to post the next event, but it was expected to be Wind Union.
    Just a heads up to help prepare everyone else.
    Prepare yourselves for Rahab and Medusa Rematch Event!
    The schedule has been changed again, so the Halloween/Christmas events can be on the correct date as they were on DMM.
    Nutaku had to improvise, and add 2 extra events before, as we are 11 months behind instead of 12.

    I hope you were all prepared for Vritra when it came to Thunder teams, cause you'll be battling an even harder Water Eidolon.
    Rahab and Medusa were by far the hardest... but hopefully we can get our revenge and kick their Ragnarok ass!

    Here's how I knew!
    If you drag the image on the side of the screen, (so it's Cthuga now) into another tab, it will open the full image, and the address will be this:

    To view the next/previous events, change the numbers in the address (23/chara_l_23) to 22, 24, etc.
    22 is Vritra, 24 is Rahab (24/chara_r_24 is Medusa), and 25 will the the Wind Union Event and r side will be the new upcoming Fire Kamihime.

    Good luck everyone with this event, I know it may be bad news to some of you, as it was for me too. I was looking forward to Union event.
    BUT! another advent can be nice for those who planned to use all of their seeds on this raid, and collect some more for the union event after Rahab/Medusa!
    also for those who need more assault SR of either element, or Rahab's glaive at MLB (like me!)
    I hope you all have enough elixer/half elixer to get what you want, and can collect a nice amount of seeds and focus more on upgrading weapons for the next events.

    ** edit
    This is not the last rematch we'll have from now until Halloween, i'm almost certain.
    we have now 2 days break from now until Rahab/Medusa, 7 day event, then 2-4 day break to Wind Union Event... another 7 day event, 2-4 day break to Masthema, 7 day event, 2-4 break... so.. That all is a month, so the Jack-O Lantern event will still be too early (pretty much around the 12-14th October) they'll either add another rematch OR take one of the events that were originally after (like Sphinx light advent.. but that's not too likely.) There will be one more extra event that wasn't originally in DMM schedule, but honestly I could go for a third rematch of Phoenix/Apocalypse or just Phoenix cause I want more of her bow... doubt it'll happen, more likely rematch with Ixion alone than Ixion/Yata but who knows.. should be another 7 days then probably a longer break than usual event would end around 20-21st October... 4-5 day break and we'll have jack o lantern in correct time for Halloween...
    or.. they may rematch Light Union and we can get the Eido/Wep from it this time.... just kitting :P
    Last edited by Kitty; 09-12-2017 at 05:03 AM.
    selling brand new account with L/E SSR and full plus more fire team.

    has at least 1 SSR of each element.

    rank 41 .
    pm me teehee xox

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