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  1. #51

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Snuck in an extra attempt at Rag before reset. Just to try it out, a completely normal team for both.

    Rahab, well, just barely made it. Purely thanks to being a Thunder main and having Raiko, allowing me to weather the first Overdrive and thus getting Full Burst before the second one. Not sure if I'll keep using this tactic or not, it might be unreliable.

    Medusa... well, turns out Ragnarok Medusa with not a single cleanse is rather unlikely to work! She made such quick work of me I don't even know how to improve. Well, bringing Maiden's Prayer is a must I guess, since your Soul has a fair amount of debuff resistance. I don't think I can build a proper team in any of Behemoth's elements, and I'm not sure if I can afford the DPS loss from bringing Behemoth in a Thunder team. They're worth a try, I guess. If nothing else, she seems to have fairly low HP so I can get one kill with an Elixir over the week I'm sure.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lala View Post
    The shop didnt reset in JP version? seems stupid that whoever cleared last time has nothing to do.. yet the quests give crystals again
    Shops doesn't reset until SECOND reprints. The Phoe/Apo stuff was something Nutaku original, and they're not gonna do it again it seems.

  2. #52

    Join Date
    May 2017
    idk, i guess i'll be forced to use Maiden's prayer along with Aphrodite's ward spell, however its called

  3. #53

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    in a state of depression
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    what a nice way to start the event.. i got my 4th SSR, and my main element which is fire! so nice
    and just from 300 jewels XD
    now i wonder what i'll find in my kami tickets... honestly don't mind now if i find nothing!

    selling brand new account with L/E SSR and full plus more fire team.

    has at least 1 SSR of each element.

    rank 41 .
    pm me teehee xox

  4. #54

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    May 2017
    Ult Medusa

    [Event 20] Rahab & Medusa Rematch-luck.jpg

    glad it dropped, cuz have few good Dark Himes

  5. #55
    Is there a point of me trying to do Medusa? My light team is absolute trash and I barely have a dark team, I could clear expert with some other element.
    I am able to do Ultimate Rahab with my lightning team and I have a decent water team as well.

    If I only farm Rahab, will I be able to MLB the weapon and eidolon? If not which one should I focus?

  6. #56

    Join Date
    May 2017
    you should atleast grab 20 elixirs and KH weap ticket, along with normal ticket, from shop

  7. #57

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by muckok View Post
    Is there a point of me trying to do Medusa? My light team is absolute trash and I barely have a dark team, I could clear expert with some other element.
    I am able to do Ultimate Rahab with my lightning team and I have a decent water team as well.

    If I only farm Rahab, will I be able to MLB the weapon and eidolon? If not which one should I focus?
    im not good at english, but ill try

    Remeber the base for all advent battles...
    20 elixiers (all must have)
    3 SR weapons w0 lb (cheap weapon's level up material)
    soul point till 10 have good price if u need, but u can get it later
    1 prem ticket (just cheap 300 jewels)
    1 kh ticket (must have, try to use them on special events like halloween and christmas cuz there will be unique kh's which u can't get another time)
    1-2 grey books (always need)
    1-2 gold books (only if u need them, obviously)
    1 better 2 eidolons (u can finish it on next advent rerun, better 2, cuz price on rerun reseted, and u will need only buy 3 eidolons...)
    1 better 2 SSR weapons (u can finish it on next advent rerun, or u can use it as nice enchant material cuz up to lvl 18 consumed by any ssr weapon it gives 100% skill level up, for 19/20 u need just add few rares)

    so it s base for ANY advent battle
    when u get that or what u need from that


    now about this
    medusa eidolon is BAD (bad passive ability and summon effect bad too), good dark eidolon will be at halloween event.
    rahab bad too (same...), good water eidolon will be at december and at january... there will be lots of good water eidolons
    but if u want MLB all, just get 2 of them, mean 1 eidolon with 1 limit break (on rerun... well i already told)
    if u don't want MLB them, just get 1, for harem scenes (100 jewels)

    SSR weapons
    dark weapon HP skill, is not great, and its weapon for mordered, mordered not great for dark team, for sieg... well if u like her, but it still HP weapon...
    water weapon is assault type, so its good idea to MLB it.

    thats is all ^^'
    English is not my native language.

  8. #58
    Unregistered Guest
    premium tickets not in the shop if you bought them during first event? at least they aren't for me although i can buy the kamihime release tickets

  9. #59
    Unregistered Guest

    kamihime project R

    How to get serial number in kamihime project R? Where to find the serial number?

  10. #60

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Gift received at 10-19-2017 from Kitty
Message: my baka!!! it's...for you....! 
not that i wanted to do it for you or i happened to buy 2 so......blah!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Aidoru View Post
    No extra copies of either SSRs for either events, meaning I can put little effort into this event.

    And wow Medusa Ragnarok was stupid. Not sure if just bad luck or how it actually works but every regular attack she did on my team was a party wide attack that had a chance to inflict petrification. Had to use a elixir to clear.
    correct me if i'm wrong, but your main team is light, right?
    if someone with main light team had to use elixer to clear it, i won't stand a chance as thunder and light are my weakest team :X
    i managed to battle her before reset time and managed to get only to half of her HP, even if i could beat her after using elixer i don't see it worthy to do it.


    as expected, this event came way too early, about 5 months earlier than what it was in DMM if i'm not mistaken and as expected both of them are hard to deal with (ragnarok, other levels are easy)
    i didn't expect to defeat medusa as my light team sucks, but didn't expect to get 1000-2000 damage to all+petrified from her about every turn.
    and then when she was raging i failed to stun her with full burst and she attacked 4 random targets, managed to get her to 1/2 HP but that it.
    as for rahab, she just made me realize that my thunder team sucks too, don't have any skill to debuff attack so had to "eat" lots of damage.
    also failed to get her to be stunned with full burst anf got 6K damage to all team and later it was even 8K, RIP.
    ofc, i haven't used elixers as i still have over 20 of those green cores even after buying the eye's fragments from both shops.

    i plan to use only AP till the last day, then i'll use how much half elixers i need to get what i wanted which is-
    1 copy of SSR weapon (both)
    1 kamihime weapon ticket (both)
    1 premium ticket (medusa shop)
    black books to MLB SR kami (all copies from both shops)
    gold books to MLB SSR kami (all copies from both shops)
    all the half elixers in both shops.
    and that it, the assault SR weapons from those events are kinda weak so i'll pass.

    tried that "offensive kami" gacha, got both nemesis and svarog, now i have 5 SSR kami and all of them are confirmed to have awakened form.
    oh mighty drconic eye god, bless me so i can awaken all of them when the time comes XD
    my main eidolon [last update July 13th]

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