So, I will probably get the Miracle Ticket once its available and just wanted to ask what Kamis you guys think i should get to complete my team.

I already have the following SSR Kamis: Susanoo, Satan, Gaia, Poseidon and since yesterday also Nike Unleashed.

My SSR Eidolon are: Hecatonchires, Sandalphon, Thunderbird, Crom Cruach, Garuda, Apocalypse, Lilim Luxuria and Phoenix.

My Souls are: All Standards except for Spartacus, all Elite except for Granuaile, Achilles and Cagliostro, and my only Legendary soul right now is Arthur.

SR Kamis: Gabriel, Hermes, Baal, Uranus, Artemis, Belphegor, Brynhildr, Amon, Cybele, Balor, Oberon, Agni, Oceanus, Hermod, Nyarlathotep, Belobog and Ramiel.

Don't have all R's but a whole bunch of them.

What kind of team should i go for for maximum effectiveness? What SSR should i get with the Miracle ticket? and which remaining Legendary souls should i go for first?

Do i even need a specific Kami to complete my team? I wanted to get Ares or Titania because they are my favorite Kamis of the remaining SSR but only once i completed my team.