Quote Originally Posted by Aidoru View Post
You're critizing her because of her hime type? Really? Then just think of her as a tricky? Because it really doesn't matter what 'type' the game categorizes her as it has no functionalities other than being vanity words.
Then what is the point of even categorising them (apart form having gacha sales) in the first place?
The Devs were clearly trying to look smart by trying to make a KH that relies on debuffing enemy's offensive capabilities and spin her as a Defense KH but it clearly isn't working. Which brings back to my point that if I'm a Dev, I'd fix that with her AW.

Quote Originally Posted by Aidoru View Post
Sol is used here as an example of whether or not she'd be less useful if a fraction of her skills take no effect. An example and nothing more. If you wanted, go and replace her with any of the many other SSRs with skills that don't get used outside of situational scenarios, because there are plenty and this is the complaint you're making here with Raphael with a half of a single one of her skills and even then, all your examples of her rage reduction is just just nitpicking at what her skill couldn't be used on against and ignoring all the what it could be. There's plenty of bosses that don't involve raids and even then, raids can be solo-d.
Let me put it into perspective for you to understand my point easier then.
Lets say under the assumption that we are fighting a boss that lacks self buff or enemy debuff.
Sol's 2/3 abilities are useful. Heal is never a bad thing. ATK down C frame at 20% means it's already providing the highest about of ATK down even for its very rare frame.

Now look at Raph.
1st ability- Have a low chance to land the charm. If it fails, it might as well be as useless as Sol's 2nd ability due to its low damage on this particular boss. Even if it did, there is a second set of chance that the boss won't even get stunned. I've had many experiences where despite having the charm icon on the boss the entire time, it was never stunned and the charm ran out instead.
2nd ability- This can be overwritten by a higher ATK debuff frame like Joan's or Eros. We're not taking those two into account? Fine. Sniper shot+Sol+Jormun/Yaga summon. 50% ATK debuff reached. This ability has just lost all of its usefulness when a boss isn't in rage.
3rd ability- This is the only ability that is useful on her with a consistent chance of removing an orb charge unless the boss have a high debuff resist.

Let's be honest here. I'd rather take Belobog over Raph who-
1- provides the exact same ATK debuff and can cap with Sniper+Sol+15%.
2- a defensive buff even when the cleanse is not needed.
3- a regen which most Light himes don't provide since they often give straight up heals instead.

This is the kind of "useless" that I'm talking about on Raph. If I have both Raph, Michael and Meta, I'd rather go with a lineup of Sol, Diana, Belobog and Michael/Meta instead.

Quote Originally Posted by Aidoru View Post
Thor is not a good comparison to Raphael as I already mentioned and plays nothing like Raphael. What you're doing here is trying to force a comparison using extremely minor details. This is why I used a Balor as a poor example in the same sense you're using. Using your own analogy, all you're doing is comparing the speed of two vehicles while ignoring every other utilities one has over the other.
You are talking about quote-unquote "gameplay" in a game where you throw all your abilities onto the boss and smack it till it dies? A game where you can't even command your braindead KHs like "Hey the boss is going to rage and kill you with a burst next turn. Don't attack and defend this turn."
This isn't even a proper argument to begin with.
I mean sure, if we're going to talk about how Gaia or Titania have a different method of gameplay on when you use their abilities or time it to get the most out of Tit's burst, then fine. I'll give you that.

But good god, when has there ever been a time when people don't use Raph's charm ability or Thor's paralyse the moment they came back off cooldown? Sure you can say its better to save Thor's for a boss rage or when a debuff resist down is in place but let's be honest here. Both abilities don't need that much though put into it and THAT WAS MY POINT for comparing the two. They both do the exact same thing of dealing a small amount of damage and trying to stun a boss but the other KH does it better. That is my argument. Balor's doesn't even fall anywhere into this category because it has somewhere around a 5% chance of proc rate even WITH debuff resist down.

Quote Originally Posted by Aidoru View Post
If a player had all himes but Eros, then Raphael would obviously be next in line. That's the point we're making here. This was never a comparison between Eros, Raphael and Micheal, it's Raphael, Micheal and Metatron. And of those 3, it would be obvious they would use Raphael with the team you've listed if Eros was not an option.
Good, at least we both agree that Raph is in need of a buff. That had been my argument this entire time.

Quote Originally Posted by Aidoru View Post
My post was nothing about her needing a buff or not. It'd be easy to complain that every original/old SSR needs a buff, heck I even agreed I wouldn't mind her atk down getting buffed (but also said I don't find it a major issue). My post was directed towards your excessive need to constantly target her as if she's inferior to the original 3 of the discussion, despite the fact that she offers much more than them.
Because she is? Even Belobog as an SR is more useful for me than Raph.
If I force myself to think, the only reason I'd pick Raph over Belo would be that she has much more base stats for being an SSR and deals more burst damage.