If your answer is NO, proceed to further questions below.
If answered YES in any of the questions proceed to wait a few months before you see the same element's awakening again.

1. Is the KH a limited time only like Summer Sol or Cao Cao? YES/NO (If answered YES here end the questions now. You won't see an awakening of them.)
2. Is the [insert element name] strong enough? YES/NO
3. Are the previous awakenings of that element strong enough to make that KH viable? YES/NO
4. Is the KH that you have in mind already a strong KH? YES/NO
5. Is the KH of your choice one of the earlier released KH? YES/NO
6. Is the KH used alot by the people who own them? YES/NO
7. Do they have a high chance of being voted top in the popularity vote? YES/NO

Congratulations. If you answered NO to all of them, chances are very high that they might be the next awakened KH.