this was a grid I made two months ago or so, mine and mr noobs predictions for the upcoming kami awakenings.. so far one of the ones I guessed, being odin, was awakened at the end of last month.
I pretty much just made up the skills based on what I thought would be a nice buff for them/ or similar to kami with same type (offense/healer, etc) and within realistic expectations, nothing too crazy.

Michael may be awakened because she's another light kami, which awakened list is lacking. She is a balance type that makes it easier in battles to have a lot of burst attacks. Similar to Titania, brings buffs to the allies.
Raphael is the defense type but more debuff like Satan, useful for light team, with the same ATK debuff as Sol, but with another frame can be useful together.
Raiko is the thunder equivalent to Gaia. With the same 3rd Skill, there is no doubt for Raiko to be awakened. Thunder team are lacking on defensive/healing so it is priority.
Aphrodite is similar to Sol in small ways, healing debuff and healing in general, a buff for Aphrodite would be useful in water teams instead of keeping to use Sol in mixed element teams.
Odin is an under powered offense type who deals more damage when HP is low, also lowers her defense largely just for continuous attack 90% chance, an awakened version may have a lower defense buff to self making her survive longer even when burst heals 3K.
Osiris is a healer that could use a buff in healing, just 1100 while some unawakened SSR Kami are 1500, SR Brynhildr 1200, ignoring other abilities, this is a weak healing even if burst gauge up with it.
Nefits will be awakened in future, as Tyr and Air have been, and they have the same ability used in stun mode for maximum attack.