so, i got awakened gaia back in ixion event and now i'm wondering who should i go for next.
i plan to get sol with miracle ticket,but we can awaken her much later in game and by then i'll have enough for her too.
for now i have 4 draconic eyes and the following kami that can get awakened:
susanoo, hades, satan, ares, svarog, odin and tyr.
as for main team....i don't know about it anymore which one should be my main so i'll just writhe down the SSR i have from each element:
fire- ares & svarog
water- poseidon & cthulhu
wind- gaia & odin
thunder- tyr, brahma and raiko
dark- susanoo, satan and hades
so what do you suggest me to use as main team? and which kami should i awaken next?