Oh, yeah, a couple of posts I've forgotten to reply to:
Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
+def buffs aren't so bad. They're functionally more like a weaker but longer duration/shorter cooldown damage cuts, but more importantly, stack multiplicatively with damage cuts and reflects.--
... do they? Because I honestly can't even tell the difference when they're up.
Since it depends strongly on how it is calculated. After or during -Atk. As in, does Sanahtlig's completely-fair-and-I'm-not-jealous-at-all -70% Atk, does he become immune if he got +60% Def or not?

With numbers:
30% Def buff against 1000 damage with -0% Atk = 850 damage taken (-150, 15% reduction)
If it is after -Atk debuffs:
30% Def buff against 1000 damage with -40% Atk = 600 damage before Def cut = 510 damage taken (-90, 9% reduction)
30% Def buff against 1000 damage with -70% Atk = 300 damage before Def cut = 255 damage taken (-45 damage, 4.5% reduction)
If it actually stacks with -Atk:
30% Def buff against 1000 damage with -40% Atk = 450 damage taken (-150, 15% reduction)

Now, I could probably just look this up from JP wiki, but I'm honestly a lazy little cunt who likes it when people just tell me. I just don't see Def
buffs being useful at all - even 30% is hard to get, it doesn't help all that much (even though every little bit helps) and it doesn't even have 100% uptime.
Quote Originally Posted by Naes View Post
when does it come out? the eido shoppo,--
The encyclopedia in Sanahtlig's toolbox gives you a quick peek on all the upcoming patch notes etc. It's July 2018ish.