Is it just me, or does Envy have insane debuff resistance? I'm at 45 Debuff+ Grail buff, and fucker still sometimes resists debuffs.
Quote Originally Posted by LeCrestfallen View Post
Correct me if i am wrong, but don't pride weapons give per skill level .5% attack and HP, and the lower your HP drop, you get additional flat % to attack?
basicly assault and defender in one.

i am referring to this table though.
No, Pride has the same .5% gain per skill level. However, their base Assault is 0% when at full health, compare to 6% to SSR Assault. But they very quickly gain that 6%. Namely, when you've lost one third of your HP, it's the same as an SSR Assault weapon. Below that? Pure free damage. That usually means that you when you need it, you do more damage, as your first full Burst tends to be after enemy Overdrive.