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  1. #1
    I'm pretty sure 90% of our runs/battles in this event were done on auto-attack. For our Union's full of lazy people, and thus we've perfected the art of auto-battling.
    The powers of the auto-attack are not to be underestimated:
    [Event 28] Crucible of Combat vs The Demon Envy (Union Event)-u44.jpg

    ✦ Union Leader of Ixion (Kamihime Game ID#: 1318886 | Discord ID: VeryVoodoo#0081)
    ✦ Recruiting Active/Strong Players - Apply on Discord:

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    90%? I'd hope 100% really.
    Also, nice almost exact 10% contribution.

    [Event 28] Crucible of Combat vs The Demon Envy (Union Event)-khenvyend.png
    As usual, I'm like 20% of mine. And geez, this time we had huge issues with Grails. I hope it was Koihime or x-mas preparations keeping people busy, since that was just unacceptable. We were running ~330 Grails after the first two days.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    [Event 28] Crucible of Combat vs The Demon Envy (Union Event)-unknown.png
    Event was hard... not stable aab, even dual acc, all runs after expert 200 only manual, but even before 200 i used mostly manual cuz aab is too slow vs. debuff cleanse...
    English is not my native language.

  4. #4

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Gift received at 10-19-2017 from Kitty
Message: my baka!!! it's...for you....! 
not that i wanted to do it for you or i happened to buy 2 so......blah!!!!
    just wondering, i see you guys did 17-39 invidual PP and wondered why to go this far?
    personally i lost motivation in practicing in the event after we got all the rewards and barely hit the 7M XD
    i have nothing to do with the SR eido/weapons mats atm so they'll just stuck in my slots so that why i wondering, why to bother to go that far?
    my main eidolon [last update July 13th]

  5. #5

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    Jun 2017
    in a state of depression
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    yall r crackheads
    selling brand new account with L/E SSR and full plus more fire team.

    has at least 1 SSR of each element.

    rank 41 .
    pm me teehee xox

  6. #6

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    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNoobCN View Post
    just wondering, i see you guys did 17-39 invidual PP and wondered why to go this far?
    Biggest reason was boredom. Also, I had left weeks of YouTube backlog for Envy, and I made good use of it. Auto-skills KH in secondary monitor, YouTubes in primary monitor.

    Second biggest was to get Union PP to max ASAP so that I could actually make use out of Eidolon enchant mats.
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNoobCN View Post
    i have nothing to do with the SR --weapons mats atm so they'll just stuck in my slots so that why i wondering, why to bother to go that far?
    How is that even possible? I could probably use the weapons mats for like, the next ten Union events right now... and that's not including the backlog that would come from the events in between these Union events...

  7. #7

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Gift received at 10-19-2017 from Kitty
Message: my baka!!! it's...for you....! 
not that i wanted to do it for you or i happened to buy 2 so......blah!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    Biggest reason was boredom. Also, I had left weeks of YouTube backlog for Envy, and I made good use of it. Auto-skills KH in secondary monitor, YouTubes in primary monitor.

    Second biggest was to get Union PP to max ASAP so that I could actually make use out of Eidolon enchant mats.How is that even possible? I could probably use the weapons mats for like, the next ten Union events right now... and that's not including the backlog that would come from the events in between these Union events...
    well, i can understand the part of get all the rewards asap, but after that? only the bp for expert to get some seeds back.
    and well, all the SSR and SR weapons i'm using on my grid are already level 125 (or 85 for SR) aside of 3 SR weapon with really low attack so i'm kinda about to throw them away for sain nicolas weapon and the future light ones.
    also have about 30+ SR weapon materials waiting for the SSR weapon of jack o frost event, add the ones we'll get by clearing ultimates and it's all good.
    my main eidolon [last update July 13th]

  8. #8

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    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNoobCN View Post
    well, i can understand the part of get all the rewards asap, but after that?--
    Weapon fodder.

    I got like 30k exp to to two Fire SSR weapons in this, 73k (level 123, leaving the last two levels for weapon skill upgrades to do) for the Darkness Axe, 36k to Titania Staff and maybe like 10k to Koihime sword (which still needs like 50k). I spent the weapon fodder I got from Koihime event on something else.

    And I have... 8 LMB Assault SRs of various types which are level 1, so they need 35k each. So that's 280k fodder required right there, plus the 50k for the Koihime SSR. Since I made roughly 179k exp this event , I guess I might be done one day? ... probably not, since I a good amount of Defender SRs which need maxing, most of which are Arcane weapons. Morgan has a passive which only works on Arcane weapons, for a "in case" scenario in the far future, it'd be nice to have properly leveled weapons for possible Morgan usage.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNoobCN View Post
    just wondering, i see you guys did 17-39 invidual PP and wondered why to go this far?
    Well as others have said already, it's partly for the weapon enhance mats. Having fully max-lvl'ed grids with spares for every element is a beautiful thing.
    And I estimate we ran 90% of the battles on auto-attack, so it's not like it took much effort.

    The other part is to simply challenge yourself on the higher lvl bosses. It's good to get a feel for the lvl 300+ bosses and see if you're able to beat 'em for instance. Eventually, these Union Events will come with Rankings for the top Unions, so it's to prepare for that future. The fun is in the competition. So far, I think only Amaterasu beat our total this event. So Top 2 ain't bad, since the Top 5 all get same rewards later in rankings.
    ✦ Union Leader of Ixion (Kamihime Game ID#: 1318886 | Discord ID: VeryVoodoo#0081)
    ✦ Recruiting Active/Strong Players - Apply on Discord:

  10. #10

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    here's my count

    I got too tired and busy w/ holidays
    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

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