I was looking at the list of events at the JP wiki, and I think it's possible to speculate how Nutaku is going to handle the future events.
When we take a look, we are not actually one year behind DMM, but 11 months. This causes problems with thematic events such as jack o'lantern or christmas, and is the reason why we had the early reprints. That said, this creates a gap in future events that will bring the differences in schedule again if not dealt with.

I think that the way nutaku is going to handle this is with the acessory quests, and maybe ragna-disasters/relic weapons. They have to fix a time-gap of three events. The first one was handled with the koihime collab. This event was supposed to last three weeks in parallel with multiple events. Nutaku gave the event it's one week and only ran it in parallel for the second week. This fix the first event gap.

We don't have more of those "weird" parallel events soon, so what I believe will happen is that Nutaku will add the acessory quests after the christmas event, when we would be supposed to get a reprint that we already got. They will give one full "free" week only for us to deal with the acessory quests, basiucally treating it as an event. This would fix another gape in this three event one. (they may even add hercules to make it more "event-like".

They would do the same with ragna disasters and the gap problem would be fixed.

Of course this is just speculation/wishful thinking,and i have to consider that nutaku is nutaku the game works as intended buy gold, but seens plausible.

Any thoughts?