Sigh. Fuck Sundays.

As usual, doing runs with my Water team.
Three runs, three wipes.

Run 1:
Water trash, resists all around. Sol dies.
Thunder wave2. I've had lots of wave1 and wave3 Thunder before, but not this guy. Is he even fucking POSSIBLE to beat with Water? This little fucker hits everyone for 4k every 3 turns with -50% Atk. I think I could've handled him with -70% Atk, but in two weeks, that's not a thing anymore. Anyway, killed him with like two characters left, just wanted to see what wave3 would be.
Thunder wave3. Yeah, fuck you too.

Run 2:
Thunder trash. Resists everywhere. Belphegor dies.
Water wave2. Resists everywhere. Still, this one isn't all that threatening as long as RNG doesn't make the Overdrive hit a single person, so no problems.
Thunder wave3. Would've been fine, got my perfect transition into Rage phase aaaaaand... resist A Def, resist B Def, resist Black Propaganda. Well, I guess that's it then, without Belphegor's OP -30% Rage bar there's 0% chance of clearing the Rage phase now. I tried, was about 30% away from completing it. That's exactly what Belphegor reduces.

Thunder trash.
Thunder wave2.

You know, I can't help but to feel that the ONLY way to do Sunday quests is with Light/Dark teams. But building a Light team is completely impossible for me, and for some reason my Dark team can't even handle Friday quests properly. With Nyarl/LuBu/Osiris/Sol I have -30% Def -50% Atk, double heals, and my Soul can bring combo-. But yet, there's just absolutely no damage output. Sure, I'm at 84% Assault only so plenty to improve on, but it shouldn't be THAT bad. I don't understand it.