Meanwhile, my today's haul:

1x 1 skill SR:

5x 2 skill SR:
Rage Gauge, Rage Gauge
Rage Gauge, Rage Gauge
Rage Gauge, Ability+
Rage Gauge, Rage Gauge
Rage Gauge, Ability+

9 Rs with an ability:
Rage Gauge
Rage Gauge
Status res+
Rage Gauge
Status res+

And 4 skill-less R and 14 N.


You know, if this was an isolated case, then it wouldn't be so bad. But I don't even know when was the last time I found a useful accessory. I'm not asking for much - either a R or a double skill SR. Hell, at the moment, I'd probably take even a double-skill SR where one (1) ability is useful. Well, I did find a Drop Rate+ R yesterday. Not sure if I want to enhance that. Maybe I should, it'd work as a stat-stick until my Thunder Himes would be loaded with Accessories. Hah, I so far have one (1) "good" Thunder Accessory - a Def+ Affliction+ on Thor. So lacking a mere 11 Accessories from having my front line loaded with Accessories. How many weeks have I been running these? A month now? So four?

This is literally sucking the enjoyment out of the game. Every single day, every single goddamn day I spend like 45 minutes running these damn things. They're mostly just boring and tedious once you get the hang of it, but you can't freaking auto it or you get slaughtered. 45 minutes of a boring, tedious fight, and for what? A bunch of utter garbage. Day after day. Week after week. Well okay, it's not 45 minutes every single day since I don't bother with T4 on Wind (fuck Wind mobs), Light and Dark days, but T3 isn't short either.

I'm at 297/300 inventory space now, and the very best thing I have to enhance? A Water Affliction+ SR Ring that doesn't have a second ability (no Ring does). I GUESS THAT'S SOMETHING. Such a goddamn waste since it takes well over TWICE the amount of effort for next to no gain in stats compared to an R Affliction+, but what can I do? Not a single other Affliction+ has dropped for a week, maybe two.

Not a single Atk+ has dropped for a week, maybe two.
Not a single Double+ has dropped for a week, maybe two.

Maybe I should just buy a SSR Ring or two and hope that at least one of them would have one (1) useful ability out of the two they have. I don't know.