I can farm AQ6 Dark with ease now, is it still worth to enhance normal series?
I can farm AQ6 Dark with ease now, is it still worth to enhance normal series?
Slashley is an adept of inflicting success, still i will say that raw power is da way.
and if u can aab a6, the amount of good accs should already exceed your gem treshold
Yes, as mentioned before. And as mentioned before, SOME cases may find good use out of other stats as well. I found a Thunder Devil Accessory which has 5% Def and 10% Heal. Yup, that's going to Dian alright.It does, but negligible. Just like FLBs technically increase the base stats of weapons (10% event, 15% Hime if I remember right), this increase is so small you don't need to care.
I will, once I find the time for it. I kinda really want to make a proper one (which would take weeks) so that I wouldn't need to edit information in later but... I have a feeling that's not going to happen. You'll probably end up with a guide which is as poor as the AQ6 one.
The grind of AQ is insane during current event. Assuming one focuses on single element, it is around 9 months of progress in two weeks.
well im splitting between light/dark (mostly cuz i can safely aab those two), and must say, im almost out of my gems, upgrading dem tiaras
and selling 60+ acc per day is most annoying tbh