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Hybrid View

  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by sanahtlig View Post
    You have 2 optimal building blocks each for Wind and Dark. That's actually pretty good! Sadly you don't have SR Oberon, who would cover all the basic debuffs. Since you have Lu Bu, I'd probably go Dark and proceed along the versatile build path in my Dark guide. As Slashley noted, the choice of SSR Amon or Satan is personal. They fill the same role. For your second Miracle ticket, you could pick up Osiris to sub for Sol, and then you'd have a more offensive build.
    Looks like I'm going Dark then; I had a quick read of your guide's section, noticed I had a stockpile of jewels, and well, this happened Miracle ticket thread-hewdqcv.png. I think I'll get Satan and play the long game. With that in mind, would you still advise getting Osiris in future, or would my next ticket be better spent elsewhere? Thanks for the advice.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Locutus View Post
    Looks like I'm going Dark then; I had a quick read of your guide's section, noticed I had a stockpile of jewels, and well, this happened . I think I'll get Satan and play the long game. With that in mind, would you still advise getting Osiris in future, or would my next ticket be better spent elsewhere? Thanks for the advice.
    Dark Amaterasu opens up new possibilities for Dark, in particular the Offensive Burst build. Satan is dispensable in this build; instead you pick up Osiris and Thanatos and pair them with Shingen + Ambush for massive Bursts. You can read more about this build type in the Burst build section.
    Magicami Starter Guide: Rerolling for Success
    Rerolling in Kamihime Project: How to get FREE SSR Kamihime
    Sanahtlig's Kamihime Project Toolbox: Includes damage calculators and other useful tools, data, and info I've designed and collected. Make a copy to edit.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    I took this thread's advice and went for Sol. I didn't end up getting Dark Amateratsu, but I would like some advice for what to save up for next/my 2nd miracle ticket pull

    My SSRs per element:

    Fire: Ares, Amateratsu (Got her instead of her dark form :/)
    Water: SSR Nike, Poseidon, Ryu-Oh, Shiva
    Thunder: Tyr [Awakened], Thor, Raiko
    Wind: Cu Chulainn, Titania
    Light: Sol
    Dark: SSR Amon, Hades, Satan

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    There is still a long time until the next Miracle Ticket, so your situation might change by then...

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I took this thread's advice and went for Sol. I didn't end up getting Dark Amateratsu, but I would like some advice for what to save up for next/my 2nd miracle ticket pull

    My SSRs per element:

    Fire: Ares, Amateratsu (Got her instead of her dark form :/)
    Water: SSR Nike, Poseidon, Ryu-Oh, Shiva
    Thunder: Tyr [Awakened], Thor, Raiko
    Wind: Cu Chulainn, Titania
    Light: Sol
    Dark: SSR Amon, Hades, Satan
    You could build out pretty much any of those 6 teams. Just comes down to preference really. Another SSR kamihime ticket could easily shift the balance one way or the other.
    Magicami Starter Guide: Rerolling for Success
    Rerolling in Kamihime Project: How to get FREE SSR Kamihime
    Sanahtlig's Kamihime Project Toolbox: Includes damage calculators and other useful tools, data, and info I've designed and collected. Make a copy to edit.

  6. #6
    Might aswell ask around a bit for the future.

    Current Himes (dark main, want to improve it further with the ticket)
    Satan, Hades, Sol, Belze / Backline Ren and Nyar

    Its about the next miracle ticket. Since i don't know if it arrives on schedule or not (i believe someone mentioned that it came with an anniversity?), if they delay the second miracle ticket to april i could just go ahead and grab thanatos for the juicy damages.
    However should it arrive on time somewhere on february ( i believe) i have no clue what to get. I could grab Osiris for the late future but Sol is just outstanding, especially if she gets her awakening, would rather not use the ticket for Amon (i'll wait patiently for Satan awakening) or Susanoo (she looks so fluffy and cuddly awakened ~~ really tempted to get her).

    Offelement to get (sidenote, i am using sol in all 6 elements right now X_X )
    Light - missing diana, but do have Sol. Could go for Light tsukuyomi to improve the grid.
    Wind - Cu Chulain, azazel (could grab gaia for completion)
    water - Nike unleashed, aphrodite, poseidon (the first two i got twice during new year when i used up my saved up jewels and tickets for dark ama -.- )
    fire - only acala, could go for regular amaterasu, weapon grid is in good state but with sol and amaterasu it would be kinda very defensive for fire.
    thunder - tyr (would rather not invest into thunder, its way to much of a hassle with the debuffs)

    Just from viewing it, Cthulu and light tsukuyomi seem to be the greatest boosts offelement wise?

    TLR is there a very strong upgrade available for dark that i could (potentially) get with the second miracle ticket should it arrive as soon as february, or strengthen off element ?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by LeCrestfallen View Post
    TLR is there a very strong upgrade available for dark that i could (potentially) get with the second miracle ticket should it arrive as soon as february, or strengthen off element ?
    Honestly, I don't think so. Osiris is a relatively weak healer; her selling point is her ability to fit into a Burst build with Dark Amaterasu and Shingen. Then again, is there much advantage to strengthening an off-element? Probably not. But you could strengthen another element for the simple reason that you want to play it. Having multiple top-class teams will be useful for Guild Orders, at least.
    Magicami Starter Guide: Rerolling for Success
    Rerolling in Kamihime Project: How to get FREE SSR Kamihime
    Sanahtlig's Kamihime Project Toolbox: Includes damage calculators and other useful tools, data, and info I've designed and collected. Make a copy to edit.

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