Gotta say, this time I have absolutely no clue what to pick. Currently I have:

Sol AW, Tsuku, Michael, Shamash, Atum, Diana, Djehuti, Belo

Nothing to get here really. Eros/Raphi not worth the MT imo.

Hraes + Titania AW, Cu, Azazel, Set, Oberon

Obvious choice would be Cybele to replace Oberon and just run Shingen with Ambush. Question is if I really need her with Hraes. Kinda stomping on Thunder content anyways currently and with Hraes helper I cap out def down anyways.

Kirin + Athena, Jupiter, Cyclops, Astraea, Nemesis

Option 1: Mammon. Definitely the best choice when it comes to improving the team. Ambush D'Art is a pain.
Option 2: Thor. Obviously this would be for union events.

Amaterasu, Ares AW, Dakki, Yama, Brynhildr, Hepha, Raguel

Definitely would pick up Mars for this. Only hitting 40% def down can be quite annoying.

Ryu, Poseidon, Saras, Belph, Atalante, Venus

Bonus points for fire tower being the first one. Guess my pick here would be Ashy, probably to replace either Saras (PF Herc or Sniper Shingen with Atalante) or Belph (Sniper Herc). Would definitely open up some more options.

Osiris, Susanoo AW, Nephthys, Nyarla, Beelze

Dark's currently definitely my weakest element, which kinda makes me want to get something for it. Then again, there are 4 decent options (Satan, Amon, Thanatos, Pluto) right now and since the other teams mostly are just missing one core hime, I'm kinda reluctant to spend the MT on Dark. Guess if any, I'd most likely pick up Satan.

Was really hoping to narrow down my choices a bit until MT arrives, but since the only SSR I got from the last 350 pulls was an Eido and guaranteed was a dupe, that didn't happen at all. Absolutely no clue what to pick. Happy about any suggestions.