Quote Originally Posted by UnregisteredX View Post
Honestly, at this point, both Wind and Dark are so solid it doesn't seem right to focus even more on them, unless by some miracle I land another broken eidolon and convert to using them full time or something. The chances for that are too low to plan around, so if it happens, I'll adjust accordingly.

Light and Thunder both needs the next mtix, and Thunder wins having Kirin.

So that's why I'm just focusing on Water/Fire for this round.

Mars is really about giving options to fire team atm, basically combo with ama/hephaestus to run Arthur with PF, a more traditional team for when debuffs works. Not really sure how well this does comparing to all out damage... which is why I'm still a bit iffy on it.

As for water, while I agree that it's not necessary to get the trinity for def cap anymore, it still provides bp, charge reduction and damage cut, and more importantly, takes off debuffs duty from your soul, allowing you to run Arthur with PF. While I like Asherah, I can't help but feel like its a bit of a stopgap solution, which would be fine if I really need a boost now, but my team feels okay-ish currently, so maybe a more long term solution is in order?
Arthur PF is more of a burst time thing though. I'm not sure whether you intend to use it consistently, because I'm pretty sure Hercules is a much better pick than Arthur for general use. Hercules weapon covers def break too, and can synergise with PF, so I don't see why you wouldn't use Herc.

If you're looking at fire through the debuff meta lens, it might be time to change that. The most obvious factor right now is the surge in debuff resistant bosses we're seeing an increase in number of. However, the other thing to consider is the damage gained and lost in using Mars Ama Heph vs if you ran Hercules relic, with Svarog Uriel Ama Ares. The difference in debuff is only 5% if you still worry about that, but more importantly you've got 1 skill nuker and 1 burst nuker extra in your team. There's a lot of calculation involved, but the high nuke count team will win in the end. Therefore, I advise against m-tixing Mars, you simply have no need.

The water situation is another I don't think you fully understand. Firstly, let's break down Cthulhu pick. Def down is already covered as mentioned, atk break is basically worthless because Poseidon is already there, charm is fine, but it's charm. That leaves orb eating. Pretty good, except the hit rate is absolute ass, and the 15BG is nothing because long CD, and it's basically useless for fast burst.

The reason I don't advocate the trinity now is because the problem doesn't lie with debuffs: water has plenty of that, way too much even. The problem lies with not enough damage, which becomes especially apparent in content that punishes you hard for stalling, and water isn't known for having many nukers. Asherah isn't the stopgap measure, the trinity is. I consider Asherah literally the water meta for quite a long time (till Vohu Manah) because water teams will tend to hit a certain ceiling once all debuffs are settled, where they have no other really significant option, other than a simply average Shiva.

Tl;dr: Asherah. Your fire team is way stronger than you give them credit for, and your water team doesn't need extra debuffing hime.