Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
1. doesn't even apply until after... many, many months. There's what, two Miracle Tickets before that?

Saraswati is so bad it's utterly disgusting. I thought I'd finally get some use out of her in Tower, but nope. She didn't Combo attack once over nine turns. Not. ONCE.
Sure, I was unlucky, but Saraswati without a synergistic Hime (which is literally just Vohu in Water?) is just trash tier.
No idea what kind of "tash" water team you have.
But I can do my 4T PF Burst w/o any problems. She was with Ashy my MVP for F15 in Tower.

For me she is nice. She could need a AW to become really amazing.

Utterly disgusting is Nike U and light Nike and I mean it literally.
Furthermore Nike U is just shit. Nice for a new player but for stronger people, she is dead weight.

If you want that she does more DATA, wait for acc set-effect.