Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Lv100 vlad will better than lv40 fafnir/sleipnir
He is so new this might not be the case for him. Yet. Eventually, absolutely.

"-- and I should focus more on weapons/himes than eidolon?"
MLB Eidolons will give you a lot of stats - especially HP. For veteran players, the difference between 30% and 50% is not huge, since it's often a difference between 270% and 290%. Is 290% better? Sure. But not by that much. And we're not even talking about the difference between Character Atk (Sleipnir) and Elemental Atk (Vlad, Fafnir).
Quote Originally Posted by Gludateton View Post
I personally am not that fond of averages, but they are faster to calculate and easier to read, so major props for doing all this calculations. I may or may not do some myself, but for now I don't have much time on hand.
What can I say - I love math.
What I don't like is math which might be horrendously wrong. I noticed mistakes and had to revise a couple of times, so things could be badly wrong there. Should've made a spreadsheet to calculate the stuff for me...

I need to check those maths proper once I get back home from x-mas stuffs. Yeah, busy times for everyone.
Quote Originally Posted by Gludateton View Post
-- I don't know what Kamihime you have, but if I remember right you have both Cthulhu and Asherah, --
When I stopped playing for four months, I had all Water SSRs except Ea and the two healers (much to my annoyance). Since then, Neptune, Water Osiris and Celia have come out, I believe.

I'm running Herc/Cthulhu/Snow Raph/Ryu-Oh/Asherah. The biggest reason for this comp is that it runs a fun balance between control (two Orb eaters, BP, -35% Atk debuff, 30% damage cut) and damage (PF, -80% Def debuff) with Asherah and Fenrir there just for Crit and burst memes. Is it optimal? Hell no, but I just love playing control too much. Having access to a on-element healer sure would be nice, but what can you do. RNG is going to RNG. Oh RNG, why you give me almost all Waters, but zero Lights (1st MT was Sol) and almost zero Darks? Anyway, Dark AQ5 was great fun when juggling Orb eating, Charm and BP to take zero Overdrives. Am certainly looking forward to that again next week, I bet something will go horrendously wrong~