Also gonna need some help with my MT pick,
Quick notes about my weapon grids
Fire: My best so far in terms of KH and Event SSRs with a few MLB SRs for filler
Dark: Not as great as Fire in terms of SSRs, but skills are more "focused" on assault meaning barely any defender/exceed etc.
Water: Only 5 Assault, 0 Event SSRs, am using 2 of my Fire SSRs(2k atk) because I did not want to waste resources on defender SRs
Thunder: Not alot of SSRs, most sitting at LB0 but weapon grid is on avg SKLVL6 SSR assault and SKlvl10 SR assault
Wind+Light: Barely any assault SSRs(excluding nandi weapons) most of them being single-defender. SRs are barely LB2, almost no MLBs, and most sitting at LB1 thus have not yet bothered to level up SKLVL.

These are the himes I have:
Fire: Amaterasu, Ares(can awaken but not gonna yet), Beelzebub, Dakki, Mars, Prometheus, Yamaraja
Dark: Amon(Unleashed), Chernobog, Kati, Pluto, Satan(Awakened)
Water: Asherah, Cthulhu, Nike(Unleashed), Ryu-Oh
Thunder: Baal(Unleashed), Jupiter, Justitia
Wind: Arianrod, Cu Chulainn, Isis
Light: Raphael, Artemis

I'm gonna assume I can dismiss Wind and Light as I'm probably lacking way too many things, Shingen and other SSRs for wind, a 3rd+ SSR for light.
My understanding for my own roster is that Fire/Dark/Thunder would need MT to complete the basis for the builds, whereas for Water the MT is there to improve upon the basics I've already laid out.
What Hime possibilities are there for me to pick that would provide a good boost or "make" a build for the respective elements?