Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
Just to note, Light is going to be absolutely crazy in the year to come. There's plenty of fantastic Light SSRs to MT right now (Michael, Tish) and every MT for the next year will bring some CRAZY good Light Hime into the tickets.
Want to second this, although I am biased since I main light. It sounds like you are willing to spend for at least 2 mtix, in which case light is much more versatile and hit harder than a fire team without Uriel. Not sure how light himes rank relative to fire for your aesthetics criteria, but if they are close, well worth considering.

Quote Originally Posted by Zendo View Post
I do have a light team (Sukunahikona, Aurora, Diana, Sol - Hecatonchires) which is OK I think.
FYI, Aurora and Diana's atk up are both A frame and will not stack. Hecatonchires is good early on when you are low on hp, but eventually you will want Barong or St. Nike from the eidolon shop, unless you can LB Hecatonchires or pull and LB Thunderbird (or pull fluffy, heh.) Sol is very versatile; you won't necessarily be bringing her to every fight especially once your hp gets higher, but she is very useful to have to deal with whatever annoying mechanics that the devs come up with.

While the list of awesome light SSRs is very long, there aren't many good light SRs (well, they can be good individually, but don't work that well together.) Fire is easier to play for new accounts for sure. Light becomes spectacular after you have at least Mike and Tish though.