Quote Originally Posted by Zendo View Post
Some side questions for this element:
1. Fluffy her ATK boost is based on Light eidolon equipped. I have Abdou and Hecatonchires as other Light eidolons. Now my question: is it correct that her base ATK boost is 80% and the rest is boosted by Light eidolon equipped or?
2. With this current roster who should I sub out for either Michael or Light Tsukuyomi. This is probably gonna depend on the situation however. A better question would be: ''subbing who for who will yield the highest marginal increase?''.
With Fluffy, you if you're going to min/max you're going to need to invest into Light. It's either Michael or Tish, probably Michael? Tish is crazy too, though...

1. Yes, 80% base. +4% per equipped Light Eidolon.
2. Drop Forseti. Forseti is an amazing SR, but so is Diana with her Def debuff.