Quote Originally Posted by Crow View Post
Hello kind veterans. This is not strictly a MT question, but still on the potential KH gain.

My current roster includes Michael, Sol, Vishnu, Takeminakata and Metatron (plus main supplementary SRs). I have a stock of gems to use on chance up and I wonder if I should try to get Iris or Tishtraya, who will have chance-up later this week?

While giving my best shot, I will likely fail in getting either. I'm also likely to buy next MT, since this is a thread of that. And the question holds - which one of those to get in that scenario? Or maybe Lugh?
I have yet to pull Iris or Lugh, but my understanding is that both Iris and Lugh are faster and hits harder than Tish, so for mtix, I suggest Iris > Lugh > Tish. Note that the ordering is highly dependent on your play style and the content you're facing:

  • If you are not using Hercules or Shingen as soul and you do not see yourself unlocking/using them for a while, get Tish first, since Tish can speed up any bottleneck in the burst cycle. Both Iris and Lugh have amazing burst effects, so you want them on fast teams not bottlenecked by the soul.
  • If you see yourself playing support role in rags instead of DPS, I would do Tish > Iris > Lugh 'cos both Joan and Andro are slow.
  • If you want to be competitive in dummy and tower, probably get Lugh first.
  • If you like to AAB everything, Iris > Tish > Lugh.

As for jewel pulls, rumor is that non-new characters have higher rate-ups, so you have better odds of pulling Tish than Iris if rumors are true, but no one really knows, so, flip a coin if you can't decide...