Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
If you have Kirin/Nidhoggr, that team should be able to compete just fine. Without 100%, you'll find yourself struggling. You also can't expect to beat on-element teams of similar perfected groups, especially if they're also running a on-element 100%+ Eidolon.

But really - remember that it is a game and you should get what is most fun for you. I at least have steered very far from SSR Baal, simply because the 90s debuff would trigger my autism horrendously and I wouldn't be able to have fun. So... if you don't sound of the "perfect" Thunder team, just don't? Build what you want.
Got baal U with this mtix. I thought the whole 90s duration was a moot point since she can instantly reset the cooldown anyway. But I'm used to dealing with samaels 120s 8 turn fuck myself CD.