Quote Originally Posted by Raistlansol View Post
What do you consider minor? I lose slightly more than 10% of my damage I swap out my null lance from my wind grid with a similar wind weapon (so both SL20 MLB)
Here is the question. How did you make a Wind Lance Grid? If you compare your current Grid to a full F2P FLB Grid (6x Lust weapons and 2x Garuda Hammers), which one does more damage?

Either you're whaling really hard and running a FLB Lance Grid (there hasn't been a single FLB Wind Lance through events), or the Lust Grid will do way more damage. Is a Phantom Lance Grid great when you have 4x FLB Odin Lances and Shingen Spear? Fuck yeah it is. Is a Phantom Lance Grid great when you're running a 4x level 50 SSRs and level 85 SRs to make it work? Fuck no it isn't. It is AWFUL. That's what I mean by Phantom weapons being just a cherry on top of the cake - do NOT mistake the cherry for the goddamn cake. You need the fucking cake! The cake does the heavy lifting, not the goddamn cherry!!
Quote Originally Posted by Kitty View Post
I always find it hilarious how people over-exaggerate their burst damage and then pretend like it is normal damage, when it isn't.

Why don't you post a video of you hitting 2m on all five characters then?