Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
I think for the currently MT, from Fire you're only lacking Vahagn (I think she was in this MT, was she...?) who is extremely strong, even more so when at high health. With Belial, Svarog, Uriel and Vahagn, basically any content should end without issue on that front.

For Wind I think you're only missing Gaia. A defensive Hime who requires manualing, but against content that can hurt you, Gaia can just entirely trivialize it. With Hanuman, Cu, Azazel and Gaia going at it, there shouldn't be any content that you can't clear. The downside of Gaia is that she doesn't fit into a lot of content - if Hanuman, Cu and Azazel can just slaughter your enemies with ease, why slow the team down with Gaia?The basic Thunder team as far as I know is Thunder Aphro, Marduk AW, Dian and Raiko. These four synergize great with each other - Thunder Aphro gives you a massive damage boost if you're at full health, which is something that Dian will ensure. Marduk will help, plus her Fortress will benefit greatly from the boosted damage Thunder Aphro gives. Raiko is there to speed up your Full Bursts as well as mitigate Overdrives - especially in a few months if she gets her Awakening on time (x-mas).

The problem with this team is that it entirely relies on Def- debuffs from other players, but that's just your basic selfish MvP team.
Once again, your suggestion is appreciated