Quote Originally Posted by epan View Post
Personally I like playing wind. What do you mean with p2w elements? Are wind and water considered to be p2w?
I was referring to the 100%+ Eidolons. Because the only reliable way to get 100% Eidolons is to pay ALL the money.
Quote Originally Posted by epan View Post
From what I understand you would recommend either ryu-oh or Shiva. What would be the standard water team you would use in most situations with my setup? What would be the standard wind team?
The basic Water team huh... I'm afraid I don't really have a good answer for that. For what kind of content? Rags and Guardians? Fire Guardian isn't out yet, so difficult to say... but chances are high the team will include Shiva in it.

In general, as there are starting to be more and more powerful Hime who each specialize in one thing in the game, the general consensus is starting to be a mix-and-match from the pool of Hime that you have. For example, for debuffs, Vohu and Ryu-Oh do great, providing -50% Def and -50% Atk (against Fire, -20% against others) and BP. That still leaves you two slots to play around with.

Trying to make a "generic" team for you in Water would probably be... Vohu, Cthulhu, Snow Raph, Asherah? With Shiva, you could just replace Asherah. Also, if you like manualing it should be noted that Saraswati has nice synergy with Vohu. You could run Shingen, Vohu, Saraswati, Shiva, Cthulhu in that order for a fast Water team. This team does NOT work with AAB however, so keep that in mind.

For Wind... well, the base core of Wind is Cu and Azazel. Those go into EVERY team as they're just insane when Awakened. And then you have:
Titania, able to pick up the pace for the rest of the team. Excels in manual, okay in AAB thanks to her +45 self-burst every 4 turns.
SSR Cybele, has a good debuff and guaranteed combo attack. Excels in last slot due to being guaranteed ready for Full Burst every three turns.
Arianrod, not front-liner material but the perfect back-up Hime due to her instant +100 self-burst. Never lose a Full Burst because of an unlucky triple attack killing somebody!
Gaia, capable of making some content entirely trivial.
Set, heals. Hey man, heals. Gaia is not enough? Bring heals. Sadly, to my understanding Frigg entirely overshadows Set, but Frigg isn't available in current MT. I think?

So, a basic team would probably be Shingen, Cu, Titania, SSR Cybele. But if you had Gaia, you'd have the option of dropping Titania and/or SSR Cybele for Gaia and/or Set. Which would make your Wind extremely versatile. Since you like playing Wind, that could be a good option..?
Quote Originally Posted by epan View Post
I was also thinking about investing in a third element. Do you consider that a waste of time if I don't have a 100+ eidolon for these elements?
It's not a waste... if you enjoy playing that element. I found myself a Belial and I didn't go full Fire baka simply because I don't enjoy playing that element. Hell, I'm not even bricking Belial! Is that the correct play? HELL NO, but fuck the correct play if it isn't fun!
And it doesn't help that the F2P Fire Grid is trash tier until Feb 2020, and even then it's not brilliant.

Remember, this is a GAME, and games are meant to be fun. If you enjoy the grind, you'll play the game longer. And that's something that you need in Kamihime, since Kamihime is a marathon game. A quick sprint will get you nowhere.

So, to answer your question proper... well, I'm not going to go through all the elements! There's just too blasted many options these days. If there's a non-Wind element you enjoy playing, say it and I'll try to give you some opinions towards your options.