Just gonna ask for general suggestions on which ssr is most crucial based on what i dont have for elements.
(Fire/thunder main. Light/dark secondary)
Fire: uriel A, vahagn, svarog A, BF amon. Yamaraja in back. Which fire ssr would round out the team to keep in sub?

Thunder: brahma A, baal U, marduk A, mammon. Justita, thunder ryu-oh. What if any hime would be another good option?

Light: vishnu, iris, tish, ssarty. Metatron, eros, raph in back. Mike, lugh or sol would be nice since I want a faster burst cycle. But i think i need a healer...

Dark: amon U, pluto, osiris, samael. Selene. I hate how slow this team is, so satan or thanatos most likely.

Water: water cybele, water raph, nike U. Only even considering something for this because i have leviathan.

Wind: titania, El. I have a more readily available grid for this element than water, so any suggestions appreciated.