Quote Originally Posted by powersurge View Post
thats the thing though im playing with all 6 elements :P so its harder to choose and regarding p2w eidos i only have lvl 55 belial, lvl 55 fluffy and anubis (also diabolos unleashed but i use her for my rainbow lvling team)

still ill check out tomorrow after work on which team needs a better hime
So I can't think of any Hime that's limited in Light,Dark or Fire. The best you can do is just pick up a core Hime for those elements. For light the only core hime you're missing is possibly Tishtrya (though have Eros so she's not truly core anymore), for Dark Satan or Nefertum, but I'm not a Dark main so that might be old and I have no real input in Fire.

For limited power Himes I only know two : Thunder Aphrodite and Water Diana. If either are core teams for you one of these are the best choices possible.

Oh actually, for Fire: Haruhi is a great choice and is also limited.
