Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
For the next year at least, ALL Dummies will just be a boring "10+ turns, total damage done." In addition, to my understanding they will be resistant to all damage but their elemental weakness, so just having one good team and doing everything with it won't cut it anymore. The need to have six perfect teams, plus MLB Hyakko, plus MLB Northern Star(/Hokutosei, whatever they'll decide to call her) will make Skill Checker-kun total whalefests. As if Rori Juice didn't dominate hard enough already.

But yeah, Hokutosei is coming like early December, so there is still time until that at least.

This is where Byakko and Northern Star will really come into play. Most experienced players can create decent teams/grids for all elements (especially with guardian eidos and guardian grids). Having an extra one or two max damage burst turns in that 10 turn limit (due to Byakko and Northern Star) in all elements (since you can easily substitute with only 4% element loss) is fairly significant.
