Quote Originally Posted by sanahtlig View Post
Hastur is available with the 2nd Miracle ticket. SSR Cybele probably isn't, and she appears along with Hraesvelg, the Wind +100% eidolon. So I think the best option is pretty clear.
The eidolons don't get an appearance bonus though, do they?

I'm in a similar position, but it's for an alt that currently has 16k jewels, Gaia, and Titania. The way I see it is a bit like shopping for a computer - there's always something better coming. In this case, rolling for Seth gives you a shot at Seth, Cybele, Hraesvelg and Hastur, but rolling for Cybele only gives you a shot at 3/4 (but with an appearance bonus). And if your rolls are duds, or you get good rolls but for a different element, then you might've been misdirecting your farming.

So I'm a bit tempted to roll for Hastur, knowing that I'll have more jewels when Cybele releases. Is this wrong?

(I've also got a similar dilemma on my main, where I think I should optimally wait for Ashirato, but I don't really want to wait that long.)