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Hybrid View

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Light lacked two things - events (for SSR weapons) and def debuffs. So it stopped being weak when SSR Tsukuyomi was released. By then, they also got several events with amazing Light SSR weapons.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
    it stopped being weak when SSR Tsukuyomi Diana was released, and became really strong whith SSR Tsukuyomi

    Otherwise i agree. Light isn't weak by any means. It would be best if you have access to Diana (SR) and her def debuff though.
    You also have a really good start for a wind team, so the choice is up to you.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolodesu View Post

    Otherwise i agree. Light isn't weak by any means. It would be best if you have access to Diana (SR) and her def debuff though.
    You also have a really good start for a wind team, so the choice is up to you.
    Light isn't weak or better said pretty strong, if u consider the potential clearing all game contents without switching teams. Light is only weak, when u want to compete with other elements for top dmg or u need to clear as fast as possible. after michael aw it will look better for light...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by fucka View Post
    Light isn't weak or better said pretty strong, if u consider the potential clearing all game contents without switching teams. Light is only weak, when u want to compete with other elements for top dmg or u need to clear as fast as possible. after michael aw it will look better for light...
    the game has grown beyond a single definition of "strong". the question is strong in what...

    Light - Strong in versatility, able to clear most contents. Weak in peak damage
    Dark - Strong in dmg overall. Weak in endurance battles.

    I am not sure about other elements to comment on them.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    The Hammer, Canuckastan

    Help with a pretty great problem

    So I broke down and spent $$$ on KamiPro. I had Titannia & Hastur and so decided to build a green primary team, so I really wanted Gaia. I purchased miracle ticket for her, and here is the problem, but then in the miracle 10 gacha draw I got her (and Ithaqua). So now I'm thinking my green team is good for now and my problem is who do I spend my miracle ticket on since I only got it for Gaia?

    I'm leaning towards Sol. But maybe a Thunder or Fire since I have no SSRs for them but more SRs then my other teams)

    My other SSRs are;
    White: Michael (SRs: Belobog, Artemis)
    Black: Hades (SRs: Tsukuyomi, Balor, Eligos)
    Blue: Cthulu (SRs: Nike, Belphgor)
    Red/Yellow: none

    unlocked souls: Andromeda, Arthur, Dart (and soon Mordred)


  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Rattington View Post
    I'm leaning towards Sol. But maybe a Thunder or Fire since I have no SSRs for them but more SRs then my other teams)
    In my opinion SSR Nike would also make a good choice. Water's the flipside of wind. If you want to beat fire events, you'll need a good backup for your wind team and nothing's better for that than water. Cthulhu and Nike together with sniper cover all the debuffs you need and Belphegor is one of the best SRs, so I think this would make your water team pretty damn good already. But maybe someone else has a better idea.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    SSR Nike seems like a good choice if you intend to main Wind.
    Magicami Starter Guide: Rerolling for Success
    Rerolling in Kamihime Project: How to get FREE SSR Kamihime
    Sanahtlig's Kamihime Project Toolbox: Includes damage calculators and other useful tools, data, and info I've designed and collected. Make a copy to edit.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    United States

    Wind Burst Build

    Quote Originally Posted by Rattington View Post
    So I broke down and spent $$$ on KamiPro. I had Titannia & Hastur and so decided to build a green primary team, so I really wanted Gaia. I purchased miracle ticket for her, and here is the problem, but then in the miracle 10 gacha draw I got her (and Ithaqua). So now I'm thinking my green team is good for now and my problem is who do I spend my miracle ticket on since I only got it for Gaia?

    I'm leaning towards Sol. But maybe a Thunder or Fire since I have no SSRs for them but more SRs then my other teams)

    My other SSRs are;
    White: Michael (SRs: Belobog, Artemis)
    Black: Hades (SRs: Tsukuyomi, Balor, Eligos)
    Blue: Cthulu (SRs: Nike, Belphgor)
    Red/Yellow: none

    unlocked souls: Andromeda, Arthur, Dart (and soon Mordred)

    Sorry if this question is rude but do you plan on spending on SSR Guaranteeds or so in the future?

    If yes, I suggest to complete your Wind Burst team first because there will be a chance that you will get a water SSR with that gacha before the Next Miracle Ticket arrives which is generally 4 months away. (unless it gets pushed back)

    A wind burst build has 3 key components :- Titania AW, Cu Chullain, Cybele Unleashed. Hastur is the sweet bonus you need for debuffs because Hastur and Cybele Unleashed can give 40% Def down for debuffs.

    That means you can get Cu Chullain now and then choose whether to go for Cybele Unleashed or a water Hime like SSR Nike/Ashirat for the next Miracle Ticket based on your SSR guaranteed luck. Your water team will be fine for now. It won't make sense to have multiple incomplete teams so you can make sure 1 of your teams is decently strong enough to tackle most content till your 2nd and 3rd teams are ready.

    If you don't plan to spend outside Miracle Tickets, then it's a tougher question to answer since your Wind team at the moment is a mix of 2 different directions (i.e offensive build and defensive build).
    If you look at upcoming fire events, the noteworthy ones which aren't very far away are Adramelech and Horus. Adramelech has a very poor weapon and as such even for a Fire main, there isn't as much value in the event as most others.

    Hence for the time being the only truly challenging content you will face is Fire catastrophes (Rag Raids) which you can scrape through for now.

    Thunder Catastrophes are likely to be next and the Thunder UE starts soon. Plus your wind team will be pretty strong against Amaru. As for Wind events, you will have the Kyuki reprint and Amalthea Raid which have decent weapons for your Wind Grid. Also the Wind Catastrophes will give you a lot of SR Assaults to act as fillers and give an early power spike.

    Before the end of the year, Fire Tower will arrive so you want to make sure you have a decent water team and it's not totally neglected but you have time to build for that. Hence my suggestion would be to focus on your Wind team and go for Cu Chullain.

    But ultimately, it's up to you if you want to make 1 very strong team before moving to another element or work on different elements together (which will take more amount of time). If you feel very strongly about being a Wind main, then with Ctulhu and the SRs you mentioned, you can scrape through for the time being and hence can build your ideal wind team before moving on. Else you can go for SSR Nike as others suggested to make your water team better. It's a matter of priorities.

    Good luck for whichever path you choose to take
    Last edited by Tanaka5; 04-01-2018 at 04:51 PM.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Rattington View Post
    So I broke down and spent $$$ on KamiPro. I had Titannia & Hastur and so decided to build a green primary team, so I really wanted Gaia. I purchased miracle ticket for her, and here is the problem, but then in the miracle 10 gacha draw I got her (and Ithaqua). So now I'm thinking my green team is good for now and my problem is who do I spend my miracle ticket on since I only got it for Gaia?

    I'm leaning towards Sol. But maybe a Thunder or Fire since I have no SSRs for them but more SRs then my other teams)

    My other SSRs are;
    White: Michael (SRs: Belobog, Artemis)
    Black: Hades (SRs: Tsukuyomi, Balor, Eligos)
    Blue: Cthulu (SRs: Nike, Belphgor)
    Red/Yellow: none

    unlocked souls: Andromeda, Arthur, Dart (and soon Mordred)

    Agree with Tanaka. That wind team is just "ok" despite the amount of SSR due to lack of synergy, but you can make it great with 2 mtix (Cu and Cybele U).

    An "ok" team is definitely not main-worthy. A fast burst wind team, however, will handle things with ease and make you feel good about your investments (which is why mtix should imo be spent on making a great team: maximizing your happiness/$).

    I disagree with mtix'ing any water unit when you already have Cthulhu if you plan to main wind. Cthulhu + Sniper Shot is 40%/40% on debuffs, i.e. your bases are already covered. For an element you only plan to use 1/6 of the time, that's good enough. Some f2p people just play and build up their grids. They still finish all events (and your water can do it too, especially since you will prioritize your SL fod to wind and water).

    Again, you don't *need* SSRs in all teams to make them complete events. If you want to mtix, it means you want something more than completion. So focus your resources and build something great.

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