Quote Originally Posted by _Nova View Post
I also have Gaia and Hastur and was planning on titania + SSR cybele for the next two tickets, but on the other hand I have SSR Tsukuyomi and Metatron for a light team so I could pick up Sol and use Gaia+Sol until I can pick up Michael for the 3rd and SSR Artemis for the 4th (to replace Metatron eventually), is light too weak to consider doing this? I've heard light is weak for a while but I do know it gets buffed considerably down the line. I was thinking along these lines because I don't want to have to build an off-element team for water, as I only really will spend money on miracle tickets.
You're more or less in the same boat I am, but Raphael instead of Metatron and Sol instead of Light Tsukuyomi. I also have Cu Chulainn, so that tips the scales slightly in Wind's favor. Wind is in an unenviable position right now because it needs to run Sniper Shot until SSR Cybele, but doesn't have any affliction resistance down traits. This makes it difficult to take advantage of the strong Relic weapons without elemental advantage.

Light is a perfectly valid alternative with Light Tsukuyomi. If you only want to run 1 team, might as well pick Light. Keep in mind that you might have some difficulty landing debuffs on high-difficulty Light encounters in future content. Vicissitudes of Fortune would probably help with that.