
Since there seems to be no Thread for finding Friends here and its kinda hard to find decent ones (for me at least), I just decided to start my own since i got like 10-15 open spaces in my FL I'd like to fill with some people with decent support eidos and who can sometimes help out on harder Raid Quests if need be. My Union Mates are a huge help there but all my other friend requests i get seem to be mostly from leeches with 0* SSR Eidos or lower who obviously wanna profit from my stronger Eidos without actually offering much themselves.

Im gonna start out:

Onto the Important Factor first: My current active Eidos are: Level 100 Jack Frost for Water,Level 100 Meng Huo for Lightning (can also provide Thunderbird here if need be though),Level 40(capped) Hecatonchires for Light (Thunderbird possible for here too),and Level 40(capped) Crom Cruach,Garuda and Apocalypse for Fire,Wind and Dark respectively ( a)dont worry im gonna switch those out for MLB Eidos as soon as an event of those elements comes around again since i can usually comfortably manage Ultimate now b) i also got a 3* Lilim for Dark if that helps)

My ID is 8091555, my strongest team is arguably water with Mordred with Sniper Shot, Cthulhu,Nike Unleashed, Poseidon and Kikuri-Hime (not that it matters much) with 32k atm (27k Soul attack) with a Mono-Grid which gets stronger fast with me constantly working on it though. I reach up to 35-36k with the rainbow grid i use on the other elements since im focusing on finishing a mono water grid atm. I got some SSR on my Dark,Wind and Fire too.

I'd prefer Friends with MLB Eidos on all or at least some Elements of course (especially if theyre working on MLB for every Element like me), but as long as they have some decent 2* and up Eidos or decent Gacha Eidos that should be ok too.

If you're interested, just send me a friend Request.

Hoping to find many new Friends,