Quote Originally Posted by Slashley View Post
I ranted in Discord about what I fucking hate about DP. If any players weren't around for the last DP cross-over, this more or less explains my view of the game based on the short experience I had with it last time.

[1:45 PM] Slashley: Well, the way DP works from KH is a bit different. For one, the UI in DP is absolute fucking garbage.
[1:48 PM] Slashley: Another thing is, DP is designed so that you should be paying like 100-1000 bucks on it every single event.

Like, imagine that Raid events didn't have Soul rewards at all - just the Tickets. So you get like one or two SSRs from the tickets, and that's it. And then the game is like "LIKE THESE SSRs?!? They're really good, right! Well, with REAL MONEY, you can buy MORE of these tickets that might get you more copies of them!! Buy now and you can hit the SSR FEVER which increases your chances of pulling them as long as you keep paying again and again in the next five minutes! LIMITED TIME OFFER ACT NOW!!!!"

And this happens
[1:50 PM] Slashley: Like when I logged into DP today to check, the game slapped me with like three different P2W schemes, one them being "GUARANTEED FEVER TICKET!! Have THREE of them! The free ones cannot be chained, so be sure to use them up! Remember, start your FEVER CHAIN with a free ticket, THEN PAY US REAL MONEY TO KEEP THE FEVER GOING!!!!11"
[1:56 PM] Slashley: Another type of P2W scheme that DP uses is a raid event, where they introduce new R, SR and SSR card. For that event and that event only, they deal 10x, 50x and 100x damage respectively. So, want to do well in that raid? BETTER PAY UP BUCKO, because with even one of those SSRs the event bosses will be a total joke. And of course, once that event is over these ones revert back to being just your average R, SR and SSRs. So that they can repeat that bullshit with another set next time.

The reason why Nutaku keeps doing these bullshit DP crossover is because DP probably makes the most money for them, despite hardly ever being in the top10 played games. The game is MADE to be whale friendly, whileas Kamihime is somewhat whale unfriendly. Whales need to put in serious effort to be strong, for example SSR books aren't all that easy to get when you have like 30 SSRs straight off the bat. Of course, a whale who puts in effort Kamihime is unbeatable. But that's SO MUCH better than what games like DP do, where "a" whale is unbeatable. Like Limit Breaking grants level-ups in DP, so all you need to do is get 2x of the same SSR and it's already level 40.
Man, that sounds and looks like a complete utter bullshit game.