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  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest

    Increasing Overall Attack

    I have an overall attack of 35K but can seem to increase it more than that.
    Can someone help me with increasing the overall attack?

  2. #2
    Don't worry about overall attack, it's a meaningless stat.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    once you get around that point raising your listed overall attack plateaus. Accessories, better eidolons will give minor increases.

    You weapon grid %s are where your progression occurs for the most part, it just isn't listed in your overall attack.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Bristol, England.
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I have an overall attack of 35K but can seem to increase it more than that.
    Can someone help me with increasing the overall attack?
    Basically you'll need a grid mostly full of weaps with 2k+ atk stat, so that would mostly be SSRs at lb2/mlb.
    but as the previous poster said you should be concentrating on getting slvl up to 14/8 respectively for the +atk SR/SSRs you currently have.
    that would be a +atk 10% per weapon and with a full grid of 10 that's +100% effectively doubling your overall attack stat in battle.
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  5. #5
    wow... i totally did not realize the % bonus on wpn skills is stacked and across all wpns.

  6. #6

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    Jan 2018
    As an additional tip, you could probably spend hours spinning the gem gacha for them +1 eidolons and weapons to completely max out your weapon and eidolon grid. Gems taken from grinding event and Sunday SP (which happens to be good for grinding rank too) are basically your main source here. This way you gain a total of +2970 extra atk from the weapon grid and +1782 atk from your eidolon grid.

    Of course, everything being said that's a time-consuming task and you should probably ignore this comment and grind other better sources.

  7. #7

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    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
    As an additional tip, you could probably spend hours spinning the gem gacha for them +1 eidolons and weapons to completely max out your weapon and eidolon grid. Gems taken from grinding event and Sunday SP (which happens to be good for grinding rank too) are basically your main source here. This way you gain a total of +2970 extra atk from the weapon grid and +1782 atk from your eidolon grid.
    By the time you manage to do that you'll have maxed weapon grids for every element. At that point, these little stat boosts would be largely irrelevant.
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  8. #8
    Unregistered Guest
    +99ing your weapon grid and eidolons is not a bad idea but I dont reccomend you bother with it through gem gacha as youll probably only get like 10 or less +1 weapns/eidolons from it by the time you reach the daily multiple pull limit and no way do you want to waste your time rolling 1 at a time. Wait for raid events to do so.

  9. #9

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    Always keep in mind that if your overall attack is over 33-35k any further increase in raw numbers won't be as significant as an increase in Assault Skill Levels, I guess Overall Attack is just to show off your experience in the game and how many events you've been in but in the end a 33k High Skill Level / Mono Weapon Grid beats a 43k Rainbow Weapon Grid by far.

    So if 10k Overall attack doesn't even match high Skill Levels in a Mono Grid then why would you bother rushing on +99'ing your weapon/eidolon?

    Seems like a dumb move to me, you're meant to get those ocasionally whilst you Skill Level Up your weapons, in my opinion.

  10. #10
    Unregistered Guest
    There's no reason to rush it, you'll get plenty from raid events as you progress everything else.

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