Quote Originally Posted by Kureru View Post
I can answer for fire at least. Fire debuffs generally won't stack with each other, the exceptions being Raguel's attack down, Hephaestus' def down and Mars' resistance down. Note that Hephaestus and Mars aren't released yet.

A team of Amaterasu, Svarog, Kagutsuchi, Brynhildr is very strong. Use ambush to reach 40% def down (soul ex skill).

The exciting awakenings for fire are Svarog and Uriel. Before awakening Uriel probably loses to Kagutsuchi but you may want to try her.
Uriel is strong af right now in nutaku, she reaches 1M personal burst without any effort, and thats not counting how she doubles and triples all day, that being said im sorry but theres no stronger fire attacker than uriel previous to svarog aw, let alone replacing an SR for her, thats just complete nonsense.